Driving Directions to Loon Lake

NOTE: Do not follow the directions on Google maps when coming from I-5, the directions are wrong. We are working with Google to rectify the problem. Please use the directions below or download a PDF of these directions HERE to print out.
From Reedsport/101: Exit 101 at Hwy 38 and go east along the Umpqua River. About 13 miles from Reedsport, there will be a Loon Lake sign directing a RIGHT turn on Loon Lake Road. Go nine miles to Loon Lake Lodge & RV Resort.
From Eugene Area & No. Oregon: Exit I-5 at Hwy 38 (about 12 miles south of Cottage Grove) and go west about 20 miles through the town of Elkton. Stay on Hwy 38 and go about 22 miles until you cross a large bridge. After the bridge, there will be a Loon Lake sign directing a LEFT turn on Loon Lake Road. Go nine miles to Loon Lake Lodge & RV Resort.
From Roseburg Area & So. Oregon: Exit I-5 in Sutherlin at Hwy 138 and go west about 23 miles to Hwy 38. Turn left on Hwy 38 and go through the town of Elkton. Stay on Hwy 38 and go about 22 miles until you cross a large bridge. After the bridge, there will be a Loon Lake sign directing a LEFT turn on Loon Lake Road. Go nine miles to Loon Lake Lodge & RV Resort.
(Note: Our lodge is located past the BLM campgrounds)

Oregon DOT TripCheck
Read the latest road conditions here.